Monday, February 6, 2012

More Marker and Ink

Here's a few random drawings that I've done in my sketchbook and such in the past week or so. The sabertooths are from a small dino museum near campus. They let me try out their little dirt sculptor tool on a slab that had some bones in it in the back room! It was so much fun. I think that will be my alternate career choice. Dirt Sculpting!!
I made this for one of the students at work,
and I just noticed a bad tangent with the tail and back leg. Ah! :)

Another quick monster sketch for another student at work. 

Museums Rock! I could have stayed there all day.


  1. OOOOOO I like it soooo much! The bones are the best. You need to come up to the Natural History Museum and draw the dino bones! The exhibit is amazing!

  2. SHOOT, SON! I didn't comment on this one before, either? I am sorry if alllll these comments that I am making, uhh, bother you. But dude, I just gotta say, you gots mad skeells. Really nice rendering and textures on the skull studies. I love the giraffe, too. Have I ever told you that giraffes are my THIRD favorite animal?! Probably not. But the point is, I love your giraffe, and it looks like it's saying, "GUHHEEE!" It's great.

  3. The skull on the bottom left kind of looks like a person. You should do something with that and get back to me! That'd be AWESOME! I love the teeth on the two characters, ha ha :)
    P.S. Speaking of "art challenges," you should post the dragon/dinosaur that loves unicorns! :D
    P.P.S. Karly, it totally does look like he's saying something like that! Bahaha!
