Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Art All Around Us

When you are bored do/did you ever look at paint patterns on the ceiling or anywhere else and see faces, creatures and characters in them? I sure do. Back home our ceiling had the coolest most random splotches and designs and I memorized where certain characters were. I could probably still point them out now if I wanted to. Unfortunately, I just barely noticed little creatures in the tile of our bathrooms in our apartment that we are moving out of in a few days!!! I thought i'd share some with you. I think the best art is the kind inspired from life and the world around you.

There are thousands of these little guys. I ended up taking a picture of my bathroom
in hopes of saving them all before I have to leave.  What do you see?

Can you find the Donkey Hornet!!!


  1. I totally do that ALL the time! I've always thought about drawing them but never took the time to. It's so cool to see what you see!

    1. You should draw them!!!! I always thought it would be hard to come up with original ideas all the time, but their is inspiration right under our noses. I guess the talent is having the eyes to see the things.

  2. Not even joking, I do that every time I'm sitting on the toilet! (um, pardon TMI) I too have noticed that our bathroom tiles and super cool. Perhaps I will take a picture of it too and work on it over the summer! Good job, your drawings of them are simply awesome.
