Wednesday, December 7, 2011

So Much Fun!!!

     I love digital!!!! I am still getting used to it, but it is so forgiving! It allows you to plan, to construct and to perfect. I am really enjoying this. I'm going to show you my method and the process of creating some digital stuff. The picture below took about an hour to complete. Not too shabby.

What the?.......

And Walla!!!


  1. YEAH, BRO! I like. This method suits you well. I love the motion of this one. All those figure drawing classes have definitely paid off –– the weight on his feet is real, man! haha. LOVE THE FACE!!!!

  2. Yeah! Thanks for the idea and input friend! I downloaded Gimp and have been experimenting with that. I really like it so far.

    1. Oh, hey, I never replied to this comment. But you are welcome! And YEAH you have been experimenting with Gimp. You've progressed so much with that since this post! :)

  3. That is pretty freakin' awesome! I want that gun!
